Dalcon SuperPrime provides a unique and integrated approach to development management.
This service offer is based on our thorough understanding of the development process and the financial viability of property schemes. We formulate robust and appropriate development strategies and manage the development process from the appointment of a professional team through planning to the successful delivery of projects.
Dalcon SuperPrime can be called upon to apply our skills and experience earlier in the project cycle, working with clients to create the opportunity but need support to make it happen.
Services include:
- Project appraisal
- Project audit to assist on site purchase/ bidding/ selection
- Development strategies/options/ideas
- Town planning strategies/ hands on management of planning applications
- Rights of light / third party constraints
- Site investigations and remediation
- Market comparisons
- Consultant and advisor selections
- Strategic programming and consultancy to the planning process
- Cost and value analysis
- Project briefing and definition
- Logistics and construction consultancy